Archive for September 12th, 2021

dee Brown – Deep Secrets

DeepSecretsGuitarist and songwriter dee Brown has had to cope with many private low strokes in recent years. When you lose many beloved relatives, what remains is all the more valuable. Among the precious things are undoubtedly the musical footprints that you leave in the history of music.

That are his albums No Time To Waste in 2006, A Little Elbowroom (2009), Brown Sugar Honey-Coated Love (2014) and Remembering You (2018). With Deep Secrets follows a new gem this year. Behind the mysterious-sounding title is nothing less than dee’s belief in God, to which he explicitly professes.

He finds support in his cause from numerous musicians listed in the credits. The album opens with the lively Love You Too. You can notice in the happy-voiced song that Dee has found his zest for life again. The notes literally bubble out of his guitar.

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