Kool&Klean – Volume IV

Music and art go hand in hand. Cover art is important to rise the attention of a potential consumer. With an attractive woman on the cover a CD has often a better chance. The covers of Konstantin Klashtorni’s serials always portray a good-looking woman.

Konstantin comments: “I select the pictures myself, just because I like a gorgeous, classy woman to be on the cover of my album. It characterizes my music too, classy, clean and beautiful (at least I strive to make it this way). I design all my covers myself, it’s literally one man production process. My wife advises me sometimes, she has a great feel for music and art in general. She helps me to make a final decision concerning tracks order on CD and cover art.˝

Starter of Kool&Klean Volume IV is the song I Can Only Imagine. Klashtorni pushes with his aural guitar the term romantic to the next level. Dream Weaver revels in acoustic wellbeing of fine sounds. It’s Time has a certain Peter White appeal with a strong synth sound support.

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