Posts Tagged ‘ Buzz Amato ’

Buzz Amato – Muse Café

3000x3000_AlbumArt_BuzzAmato_MuseCafeProducer, writer, keyboardist Buzz Amato is a heavyweight in the music industry. He was the musical director of Curtis Mayfield and Three Degrees and his recording activities extend to over 150 albums.

During the pandemic touring had a sudden end and Buzz had the time to produce a wonderful album of eleven self-composed tracks.  The studio musicians who participated in the recording are listed in the credits.

The album opens with Mt. Helicon, a mountain located in Greece, which according to Greek mythology was home to the Muses. A jazz fusion-inspired piece that could just as well be called Olympus.

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Buzz Amato – Muse Café

3000x3000_AlbumArt_BuzzAmato_MuseCafeKeyboard Wizard, Producer, Composer, and former Curtis Mayfield alumnus Buzz Amato releases a carefully crafted eleven song album titled Muse Café. This eleven song collection features music inspired by each of the Greek Muses and showcases his writing, arranging, production as well as his keyboard skills.

Buy the album here.