Archive for June 12th, 2024

Bobby Broom – Clean Sweep

51-xpNL+V8L._UXNaN_FMjpg_QL85_Heralded as “one of the most musical guitarists of our times,” by author and jazz critic Ted Gioia, Bobby Broom has spent the new millennium focusing on his musical output as a leader. He has recorded with both his Bobby Broom Trio and the disbanded, Deep Blue Organ Trio for the Premonition, Delmark and Origin labels. His Plays for Monk was released in spring 2009, The Way I Play in April 2008, and Deep Blue’s Wonderfu1! in 2011 and Folk Music in 2007. Bobby was recognized as one of the top guitarists in Down Beat magazine’s annual Critics Poll for 3 years, from 2012–2014. His Deep Blue CD, Wonderfu1!, reached number one on both US national jazz radio charts.

But you have to go back, way back to find his smooth jazz album. It is entitled Clean Sweep (1981) and presents the smooth jazz we all love.

You can stream the album on Spotify.