Archive for December 8th, 2022

Jamie Bonk -There To Now

ThereToNowCanadian guitarist and songwriter Jamie Bonk has set up a home studio in Vancouver with a lot of love. The identical love he gives to his albums. All started with his same-named debut album in 1997. Further projects are A Perfect Tomorrow (2000), My World (2004), 5 (2007), St. Joseph Street (2009), Side B (2010), Necessity (2012) and Who Said It Was Easy? (2018).

His newest project is There To Now (2022). Jamie comments: ” I truly feel this album (my seventh full length release) is some of the best music I’ve ever made. The record has ten tracks (five guitar-based instrumentals and five vocal tunes) and it draws on a fairly wide range of styles (mainly Jazz, Pop and Folk with a little bit of Classical and Rock as well). In the past, I’ve made music where it’s just me and myself alone in the studio, but “There To Now” absolutely could not have been made without the help of all those who worked on it. So a big thanks to Henrik Bridger (bass), Dave Patel (drums), Wendy Irvine (vocals), Bill McBirnie (alto flute and flute) and Ron Scott (vocals). And also thanks to my wife, Sonya, for the cover photography – never would have been able to compose the shot and definitely wouldn’t have been awake (and functioning) at the break of dawn!”

If you’d like to check out There To Now, you can stream/download it here: